
Transformers Domain Adaptation improves the performance of HuggingFace transformer models on downstream NLP tasks, by domain-adapting models to the target domain of said NLP tasks (e.g. BERT -> LawBERT).

Use Case

The typical approach to train a transformer model for a given NLP task (e.g. document classification, NER, summarization, etc.) is to fine-tune a pre-trained transformer model. While that has been effective, our research has shown that better model performance can be achieved by first domain-adapting the base transformer model to the domain of the dowsntream NLP task(s).

This toolkit will be useful to you, if:
  1. the language domain is niche or technical

  2. there exist proprietary or additional, unlabelled text corpora in the given domain to train on

  3. there are multiple NLP tasks in the same domain

By domain-adapting a transformer model once, it can be used as better starting point to fine-tune on multiple downstream NLP tasks.

The Domain Adaptation Framework


Corpora Types

In-domain corpus

Unlabelled text data in the given language domain of the downstream NLP task(s). The domain itself may be broader than the language domain of the task(s). This corpus is typically larger than the fine-tuning corpora and can be noisier and contain less relevant documents.

Fine-tuning corpus/corpora

Text data from the fine-tuning task(s) which can aid Data Selection and Vocabulary Augmentation


On a high-level, the Domain Adaptation framework can be broken down into three components:

Data Selection

Select a relevant subset of documents from the in-domain corpus that is likely to be beneficial for domain pre-training (see below)

Vocabulary Augmentation

Extending the vocabulary of the transformer model with domain specific-terminology

Domain Pre-Training

Continued pre-training of transformer model on the in-domain corpus to learn linguistic nuances of the target domain

More details on each of these phases can be found in Domain Adaptation Components.


  • Link to arXiv paper